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Large Gate Valves Lockouts

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Material – Poly Propylene with pasted label of identificationKRM  LOTO Gate Valve Lockout is made by two parts these rotational valve covers can withstand in extreme weather conditions, resistant to cracking and abrasion that is valid for temperature range up to – 46°C to 177°C.  Model – with single and double hole options for lockoutSurrounds the valve hand-wheel to prevent from being turned and protect against accidental operations.Size Applicable – Suitable for I.   KRM-K-GVL- 02 for 25 mm to 64 mm (1” – 2.5”) diameter valves II.  KRM-K-GVL- 04 for 63 mm to 130 mm diameter III. KRM-K-GVL- 06 for 25 mm to 190 mm diameterIV. KRM-K-GVL- 08 for 165 mm to 280 mmV.   KRM-K-GVL- 10  for 280 mm to 381 mmColor – Standard color Red Or any color make as per required quantityWeight – 58 gm, 190 gm, 297 gm, 650 gm and 1250 gm for KRM-K-GVL- 02/04/06/08/10 Respectively.

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